Sunday, May 17, 2009

Message for A - yoga in Paris

Hey A, I hope you're still reading my blog (and that you had great beta doubling numbers!). My yoga teacher gave me two people to contact in Paris for yoga classes. She told me she's not sure they're doing specific prenatal yoga classes, but if not, they should be able to direct you to someone who does.

1: Sylviane Gianina
75001 Paris
sylvianegianina [at] gmail [dot] com

2: Marina Margherita
75001 Paris
marina [dot] margherita [at] orange [dot] fr

Hope this helps!

1 comment:

yogainparis said...

Hi A,
First, congrats for your pregnancy.
I don't know how but your blog showed up in the goggle RSS about yoga in Paris I receive.
I am a yoga teacher and have taught two women through all their pregnancies.
You can check me in my facebook wall a photo of me and Aleksandra (the baby) last week _ I am teaching Maja post-natal yoga as well. Please use my regular email: in case you want to contact me. (a straightforward site dedicated for yoga en entreprises)
all the best, Magda Fletcher