Another thing he refused was trying to bike without his training wheels. He already was a pro on his balance bike (without pedals) and on the other one the training wheels seemed to get in the way (he sometimes almost tipped over because of them) but any suggestion to remove them was returned with a "no". But then, two weeks ago, we went to the park and there was a classmate from preschool, riding his bike without training wheels! M. Sensible wanted to try, and once he figured out that he needed to keep pedaling if he didn't want to fall, he took up speed and made one turn around the park after the other. Hubby and I took turns running next to / behind him and both cheered and cheered. The look of pride and freedom on his face was priceless. A true perfect moment for both him and me.
A few days later we took his own bike out of the shed. He initially refused to let us take off the training wheels, but after one round he came back to us and asked if we could please take them off. The bike is still a bit big, so getting on and off it by himself is still a challenge, but once he's gotten the little push he's off like a rocket. Even M. Gourmand is impressed and applauds him from his stroller. M. Sensible is still beaming with pride and tells everyone he meets that he can now ride his bike without the training wheels, just like a big boy!
On the last Monday of each month we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.
Congratulations, M. Sensible! You are now a big boy who can get around independently.
And one who is an endless source of perfect moments for your parents and younger brother.
What an accomplishment!
Yay for taking those big steps. I can imagine it's hard to grow up when you see how "easy" the baby has it. I hope big achievements like this remind him that growing up is worth it in the end (at least for a little while).
Wow, a perfect moment indeed. I can remember being about six and having my dad teach me to ride a bike - we never had training wheels. He held onto the seat and ran along side me. Over and over. I remember finally looking over my shoulder to tell him that he could let go...and he was about 20 feet behind me. Talk about power. Way to go you guys!
What an achievement! Mr. Sensible, Congrats on acing that bicycle, and being able to ride the cycle minus training wheels.
What an achievement! Mr. Sensible, Congrats on acing that bicycle, and being able to ride the cycle minus training wheels.
Sorry I am so late to comment on this... Way to go M. Sensible! I can really appreciate the regression issues, as our 3 1/2 year old daughter has been doing some of that too. Thank you for sharing how you handle him during those instances, as you seem to have more patience than I do and it is nice to hear how someone else deals with things, as then I can try their/your approach at times. :)
I miss you with the Spring Shed, but certainly understand what a busy time of year it is. I am planning to move ahead with a Summer Shed soon (even if it is just me checking in) and you are always welcome to join me anytime! Hope you are doing well and glad we are also connected now on FB too. :)
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