Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Is what I got as answers from the RE to my questions about our failed IVF#2 and plans for FET#1 when we met with him on April 7.

(He actually tried to end the consult after five minutes, by saying, "so you don't have any questions?")
  • Chance that the embryo won't survive the thaw? Yes, there's that chance. We won't know until the morning of the transfer. Next.
  • Why did IVF#1 work and IVF#2 not? Well - there's only about a 30% chance of it working anyway, last time you were so lucky to be in that 30%, this time you were in the 70%. Next.
  • Would assisted hatching be an option for the FET or a next IVF? Well, we do offer that technique here, but you'd have to talk to the embryologist to discuss whether if it's something they'd do in your case. Next.
  • Would the day 2 transfer (of our failed IVF) versus the day 3 transfer (of our successful IVF) have played any role in the result? Well, it's up to the embryologists to decide when to set the transfer date.
OK, so... I wasted time and money with that consult, I would have been better of making an appointment with one of the embryologists (who are both very friendly and even though they are excellent scientists, they are less scientific in their doctor-patient relationship than our RE).

Luckily they are also very willing to talk to you over the phone, which I did a few days ago.

My main question I wanted answered was about the assisted hatching, as it would be relevant for the upcoming FET. Well, his answer was that they do it on occasion, but only after multiple IVF failures. As we've only had one failed IVF, we do not fall into that category (yet) and would have to have at least two or three failed cycles before they might consider this option.

I then also asked about the possible different outcome because day 2 transfer versus day 3 transfer and he said (yes, another statistic) that their lab gets the same percentage of pregnancies with day 2 or day 3 (and he explained to me that they usually do day 2 transfers, but if ER is on a Friday, then ET is on a Monday, so then it will be a day 3 transfer), so that it makes absolutely no difference. The only difference is between day 2/3 or day 5, when the embryos have developed into blastocysts - and that that could be a point of discussion for us if the upcoming FET will be unsuccessful as well.

He told me that for the moment, the only real risk is the frozen embryo not surviving the thaw, and since we only have one, that would mean the FET would be cancelled at the last minute. I'm well aware of that risk, but there's unfortunately nothing I (or anyone else) can do about it, so we'll just keep our fingers crossed and hope that our frosty is as strong as that little embryo in 2008 which turned into our gorgeous toddler.

AF just showed her face, so I called the RE's office to let them know. FET#1 is officially on!


DandelionBreeze said...

Fantastic that FET is on... FXd for you every step of the way xoxo

Marianne said...

Visiting from ICLW, we are in a similar situation. I'm glad that FET is happening for you..will be checking up on you...good luck!

jill's infertility document said...

Best wishes for your FET! Sending gentle, warm thoughts to that embryo during its thaw. Thanks for visiting my blog for ICLW, I'm glad to have found you.

Liz said...

Happy ICLW. It sounds like your RE doesn't have the best bedside manner and would love to boot you out the door. That is too bad, but hopefully you took some positive information away from it. I haven't really heard of 2 day transfers before, I'm surprised they did it. Wishing you success for your FET.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your FET - I found your post really helpful as we're in the TWW for IVF#3 and have a frostie for the first time, but I'd not done a lot of research into the process before. That arms me with a few questions for our FS in case this cycle doesn't work. Happy ICLW!

Krissi McVicker said...

It's so frustrating when one cycle works and then another doesn't. I've been down the road you're on. It took me 3 IVF cycles (one of those was an FET) to have my daughter and then my next IVF didn't work. We did 2 FETs and the 2nd one gave us our twins who are now 19 months old. My daughter just turned 4! I just found you through ICLW and added your link! Good luck with your FET! Happy ICLW!

Kelli said...

First time here from ICLW! We are going to be doing our first FET in June. I'm already getting nervous. Best wishes!

Corinne said...

I found your blog through the ICOMLEAVWE and can't wait to read more about your journey. I am so sorry that IVF #2 wasn't successful and I am hoping that the FET brings you a BFP.
It's amazing how some RE's can be so matter-of-fact and leave us with more questions than we brought with us to the appointment. I am glad you were able to talk to the embryologist. I will definitely keep following your blog!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good luck with your upcoming FET. This is exciting.

Here from ICLW (#54) and glad to have found your blog.